From The Pulpit of DUMC

#54. Be Thou My Vision - Rev. Shane Page

Episode Summary

This Sunday we will worship together online. The live stream will begin at 9:30am. We have, for obvious reasons, put on hiatus our Lenten sermon series on the seven deadly sins and the seven life-giving virtues. This Sunday and for the next few Sundays we will revisit the appointed readings of the week. The appointed reading for this week concerns Jesus’s healing of the blind man in John chapter 9. What we will find in this passage is a great spiritual truth and perhaps even a word of consolation for our time. Please know I, the other pastors, and staff remain in prayer for you, your families, our church, our nation, and our world. We encourage you to take seriously the precautions advised by our local and national leaders and to care for one another in an especial way in the weeks ahead. If you need a pastor, please email us or call our pastor-on-call number. The church down through the centuries has faced wars, pandemics, famines, threats, and fightings within and fears without. Let us, as did the saints and martyrs of old, persist in our faithfulness to Christ, looking confidently to him, and abandon ourselves to God’s providence, trusting the good he will create from the uncertainties of this time