From The Pulpit of DUMC

#24. Secret Savior - Rev. Jim Humphries

Episode Summary

When we hear the words “hospital” or “hospice,” we envision places that offer tremendous care, compassion, and healing for others. Chances are, we may not see “hospitality” in quite the same way, though all three words have the same origin. The Bible urges us to rethink our definition of hospitality beyond just offering a friendly smile or handshake to others. Biblical hospitality is rooted in genuine compassion (and even healing) for the stranger, for we see God’s image in their eyes. As we complete our sermon series this Sunday on “Biblical Hospitality,” we will see how Jesus himself addresses the issue. Jesus will help us see that the Old Testament commandment to be hospitable to the stranger is a personal invitation from God, with eternal consequences. To prepare for worship this Sunday, please read Matthew 25.